She was nearly completed and started early trials when Italy surrendered in September 1943. But the Aquila aircraft carrier would have been a remarkable ship, for her capabilities, despite being built in such a short time. The uncompleted 1916 Carraciolo class super-dreadnoughts were broken up due to the Washington treaty, and in WW2, the Capitani Romani class cruisers and Medaglie d'Oro class destroyers and many submarines were never completed, as the last of the Litorrio class, Impero. Both proceeded from ideas developed in 1928-1930 as a faction milited for their development, in the country which invented the concept of strategic bombardment, by General Douhet. The Aquila and Sparviero aircraft carriers were among the well-known unfinished ships of WW2.

Aircraft carrier Aquila The Italian never was carrier