Think of him as the little devil on The Prince's shoulder.

However, since he's derived from The Prince, he's quite clever in his cruelty. He is extremely violent (he takes great pleasure in brutal combat), rude, and completely lacking in morals. He is a personification of The Prince's darker personality traits: ruthless, reckless, and inconsiderate. YES NO Who is the Dark Prince? The Dark Prince is a "corrupt" version of the Prince who has been infected by the Sands of Time. They have given rise to a deadly Dark Prince, whose spirit gradually possesses him…. Cast to the streets, hunted as a fugitive, the Prince soon discovers that the Sands have tainted him, too. Her death unleashes the Sands of Time, which strike the Prince and threaten to destroy everything he holds dear. When she is kidnapped, the Prince tracks her to the Palace - only to see her murdered by a powerful enemy. But instead of the peace he longs for, he finds his kingdom ravaged by war and Kaileena the target of a brutal plot. The Story So Far The Prince of Persia makes his way home to Babylon, bearing with him Kaileena, the enigmatic Empress of Time, and unspeakable scars from the Island of Time. Along with high-res character art and a detailed description of the Dark Prince we also have a set of new screenshots on the media page. This creature is capable of the performing the speed kills that have been described in greater details in our earlier previews. Today Ubisoft unveiled the Dark Prince, an evil version of the hero that has been infected with the sands of time.